Assembling that do-it-yourself furniture is child's play& as long as you read the plans correctly! 把那套自己可以完成的家具装备起来是极容易的事&只要正确看清图样就可以了。
It is just a child's play for him. 这事儿对他来说简直是小儿科。
Because the postal code-to-suburb lookup service is on the same ESB as the exposed mainframe application's services, grouping all these services together to form single a process is child's play. 由于邮政编码到地区查询服务与公开的大型机应用程序的服务位于同一ESB,因此将所有这些服务分组到一起来形状单个流程就再简单不过了。
By the standards of modern-day encryption techniques, substitution cyphers are child's play. 按照现代加密技术的标准,置换密码简直就是小儿科。
From thenceforward that bargain struck in child's play made me a free man. 从此以后,在这个小孩的游戏中做成的买卖,使我成了一个自由的人。
These concrete applications should be child's play. 这些具体应用应当是极容易的事。
It's not a difficult climb it should be child's play for an experienced mountaineer. 这次攀登并不难--对於有经验的登山运动员应是轻而易举的事。
Once you've mastered ltalian, learning Spanish should be child's play. 你一旦掌握了意大利语,学西班牙语就轻而易举了。
Skeptics think the flour's too evenly spread to be child's play. 怀疑者认为面粉的散布如此平均,不像幼童所为。
Rumble helps his family haul in firewood for the winter, so pulling a cart full of plush Bernese puppies is child's play. 冬天里他帮助家人拉柴取火,这不他又拉着满满一车斗长毛伯尔尼幼犬嬉戏呢。
To actually steal the money, however, he'll need a superhacker, someone whose talents make even the most airtight security systems of the world look like child's play. 但是要真正偷到这笔钱,他先要找到一个超级黑客&此人的才干能使世界上最无懈可击的安全系统也变得如同儿戏。
The atom bomb is child's play in comparison with what scientists have in store for us in the next war. 原子弹比起科学家为下次战争准备的武器来只能算是简单的东西。
Today at Treesort, Michael Garnier is fulfilling a lifelong dream to turn child's play into a fun family resort. 在这里,迈克尔·加尼尔正实现着他一生的梦想,将儿童游戏变成家庭度假村。
That's two bullets. child's play. 有两颗子弹。很容易的事。
The severest toil was child's play compared with this. 跟这一比,最沉重的苦役也好像小孩子的游戏。
He has originated a unique approach to career planning based on his observation that one's most enjoyed work is an adult metaphor for one's most enjoyed child's play. 施瓦茨博士观察到一个人最喜欢的工作与其儿时最喜好的游戏之间有着千丝万缕的联系。
It would be child's play for me. 这将是孩子们的游戏对我来说。
This is child's play in Japan where, for every 200 yen spent, the government borrows more than 100. 而与日本相比,这简直是小儿科&日本政府每支出200日元,就有100多日元是借来的。
And yet a russet gown, torn and soiled with the child's rude play, made a picture of her just as perfect. 不过,珠儿即使身穿土布袍子,满地打滚地玩,弄得衣服破烂、硬梆,她的姿质仍是照样完美。
Bargaining is child's play for an old hand like her. 她是个砍价老手,讨价还价对她来说就跟小孩子做游戏那麽简单。
This is the most difficult one to accomplish and make Thaad look like child's play. 完成中段拦截最有难度的,中国把战区高空区域防御弄得像小孩游戏那么轻松。
Guys, this is like child's play. a baby could do this work. 喂,这太简单了,一个婴儿都可以做这个工作。
For Jerry, fixing cars is child's play. 对杰瑞来说,修车是轻而易举的事。
My crew and I flew these missions with the belief that they would bring the war to an end. The atom bomb is child's play in comparison with what scientists have in store for us in the next war. 我和我的部属在执行原子轰炸任务时坚信,我们将结束战争。原子弹比起科学家为下次战争准备的武器来只能算是简单的东西。
It's child's play: look, my left hand fingers the strings, my right hand scrapes away at them with the bow, and out comes a merry noise, tralala. 这是小孩子的玩意,看,我左手指按着琴弦,我右手指拉着琴弓,美妙的音乐就出来了。
You see, you even didn't hear the question clearly and you said it was merely child's play. 韩佳:瞧瞧你,连问题都没有听清楚,就说太小儿科。
What could be seen as child's play is in fact a proving ground for the prosw. 儿童剧事实上成了超低音音响的试验场,还有什么可看的呢?
Yet there are obvious difficulties with all these efforts: it is child's play for brilliant and motivated insiders to game such regulation for their benefit. 但是所有这些努力都面临着明显的困难:对于那些才华横溢又有动机的内部人士而言,为了自己的利益与监管规则博弈只是小菜一碟。